NeW year, new goals
NeW year, new goals
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There are many New Year goals that are spoken, wrote out and prayed about. The normal thing is to practice it for a while then forget about it until next year. I buy no means am different from the rest of the world. I have started out strong and fell off the wagon.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
C.S. Lewis

There for I am not going to dwell on past days. I am going to not try to change myself on my own. But be more like Jesus, and search him out,so he can change me how he wants. To do this I have a few things I am going to do to help grow me in my faith.

  • Read the word everyday in some form or another. ( READING OR LISTENING)
  • Surround myself with not like minded people, but Christ minded people.
  • Pray always, about the good and the bad.
  • Be a good Stewart of the blessings God provides. Whether that be money, food, time all things provided by God, so... everything. Be grateful and take care of everything like its a precious gift from your heavenly father! Cause it is...
  • Grow in my knowledge of Christ, AND let him guide me not the world.

    Now this is pretty strait forward but it will be effective look at the facts of people who have given their lives to Christ, now I do not mean everyone that goes to church or believes in God is doing this. The people who have said with their hearts and proclaim it with their mouth that Jesus is lord and you will follow him all the days of your life. Only Jesus knows your heart! But I want the world to know my love for Jesus is bigger than my love for anything else. Now do not fall into the trap of following your heart, for your feelings will trick you, But if you quiet your feelings and search for Gods wisdom he will give it to your. That's not to say that God doesn't want us to be happy or have dreams a lot of the time his dreams for us a line with our dreams because he gives us those dream most of the time.

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